Christians Against Poverty:
Transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty.
At St Gabriel’s we partner with CAP, running a CAP Debt Centre for anyone with unmanageable personal debt living in NW2, NW6 or NW10. We offer the Money Coaching course from CAP periodically too. Both are offered free of charge to clients and course guests, available to anybody, whether they have a Christian faith or not.
Call freephone 0800 328 0006 to book a debt assessment appointment from CAP, find out more at or come and speak to a member of the CAP team at Hope Café on Mondays.
Money Coaching – A free Money Management Course

As part of our partnership with CAP we run the Money Coaching course, either in person or online. Money Coaching offers guests teaching on good money management skills, budgeting tips, and overall advice on how to curtail expenditure and live within your means, plus use of a free online budgeting tool. If your finances have been challenged in recent times, this course will help you get your finances back on track, allowing you to control your money rather than money controlling you. Equally, it can help free up more money for the things you want to invest in.
The course is open to anyone, of any faith or none, and you don't need to be in debt to attend. Whether you are on a low income or a high earner, everyone can learn how to spend, save and budget well.
If you are interested in attending our next course, check the events below or
register your interest here. Alternatively send us an email at
What is CAP?
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national debt counselling charity delivering its services through hundreds of churches, like St Gabriel’s, across all four UK nations. It helps people in desperate need to discover life-changing freedom and hope every day. CAP’s head office is in Bradford, but all its
Debt Centres,
Job Clubs,
Life Skills groups and
money coaching are run locally through churches that are already based in the community, as we are at St Gabriel’s.
Since 1996, CAP has seen tens of thousands of families and individuals break free from debt. As the impact of the cost-of-living crisis is felt in households across the UK, there is much more to be done. Poverty is so much more than going without. It’s so much more than lacking materially. Poverty destroys lives. It robs people of joy, hope and opportunities. It tears families apart, isolates those most in need of support, and leads many to believe there is no way out. Before seeking help, 1 in 2 CAP clients had considered or attempted suicide. At CAP and St Gabriel’s, we won’t settle for that. Which is why St Gabriel’s has been running a Debt Centre since 2011, faithfully serving our community.
And here’s our latest
Newsletter, telling you more.
How can I help?
GET INVOLVED – Beyond our two trained Debt Coaches, there’s a wider CAP team of volunteers: Befrienders for casework and Money Coaches for the course. Come and speak to the team if you would like to join; see us at Hope Café on Mondays or at a Sunday service.
DONATE – Whilst free of charge to course guests and casework clients, the CAP offering at St Gabriel’s is not free of cost to provide. Why not speak to us about becoming a CAP Angel?
Upcoming Events
Join our Mailing List
We would love to keep you updated with what's happening at the St Gabriel's CAP Debt Centre. We will not share your details with anyone else and will use them on any or all of the following:
- to keep you updated on free events tailored to you, occasional special invitations or reduced tickets on other events hosted by the church
- you can opt in to receive our annual newsletter
- give us your phone number so we can check in with you from time to time.
It's up to you! We hope you would like to stay connected. Wishing you well, whatever you choose.