Boogie Angels
Boogie Angels is a Toddler group with a music and movement session for children aged under five and their families/ carers.
We begin at 9.15 with a session of free play with lots of toys, craft and refreshments and snacks for children and adults. At 10.30 we tidy up and have music and movement with songs, a story dancing and musical instruments we finish at 11 am.
The Session runs on Wednesday mornings from 9.15- 11am. the cost is £3 per family/ group for a session and covers all refreshments and activities .Booking is highly recommended and can be done using the event calendar below. You can either book a single session or for a half term block. we do have some tickets available on the door and we accept cash and card/ phone payments.
It is important that you fill in this online form for each child you will be bringing with you . It will save you some time when you arrive at the door . You only have to fill in this form once this academic year.
if cost is an issue do get in touch with as we have some free tickets available for those that need them.
If you want any more information email Susie.
We look forward to welcoming you!