Children and Youth
Children and Youth Groups
Children of all ages are welcome to our Sunday Morning Worship (10.30 am), where they can join in with Bible-based activities and fun. We have groups for our children and young people every Sunday morning aside from the first Sunday of the month.
St Gabriel's takes safeguarding our children and all vulnerable people very seriously. All leaders and volunteers in our children and youth teams have had recent DBS checks.
The crèche is available for babies and toddlers up to the age of 3. Parents and carers often enjoy the space and resources whilst following the service through the sound speaker. Children may be left when two volunteers are present.
Minibeats (3-6 years)
Minibeats is a fun group where learning about God is centered around story-related activities, singing and prayer-based activities. The group is led by volunteers in a room close to the main church space. Children move up to Pulse at age 6.
Pulse (6-11 years)
Pulse is a vibrant group for 6 to 11-year-old children who meet together in the church hall a short walk away from the church. The group has a fun and structured session which can include a combination of games, Bible teaching, video clips, discussion, art, craft, dancing or drama - sometimes all of these! Children and invited to share thoughts and ideas and pray for one another, their community and the things that matter to them most.
Children move up to Youth when they start secondary school.
Youth (secondary school and 6th form ages)
St Gabriel's Youth also gathers at the church hall on Sunday mornings. The group spends time learning about Jesus through a wide range of activities, having fun as a group.
In addition to Sundays, our youth group meets twice monthly on Friday nights. The youth enjoy getting to know each other better on Fridays through more hands-on activities and fellowship. This helps them build upon the connections they have made during their Sunday sessions and occasional outings. Find out more about
Friday Night Youth here.
Each group is led by a team of committed volunteers who support the children and youth’s contribution to the vision of the church which is to go DEEPER with God, CLOSER to one another and FURTHER in mission.
The children and youth are encouraged to participate in the wider church life by serving on a team, leading prayer or reading in services, sharing a story etc.
We enjoy creating!

And sometimes we go out on adventures too!

For more details email