Join the Church Electoral Roll
The churches electoral roll is open to those who live in the parish or come regularly to church. Members of the roll decide who helps us lead the church and make decisions and at the Annual meeting each year to elect church wardens and Church Council, (PCC) members
This year, 2025, we are required by law to refresh the Electoral roll. So even if you have filled in a form before, you will need to do it again. If you would like to join the roll to vote at the next Annual meeting, you need to do so up to three weeks beforehand. We will be locking the roll just after Easter. If you would like to stand for the PCC or any other church office, we also require you to be on the roll so please do sign up as soon as you are able.
We encourage anyone that is baptised, over 16 and considers themselves a regular member of the church to sign up to the roll. If the roll is as representative as possible, this will help insure we also have representative leadership.
Click here to sign up