Prayer and care
Care for those you are praying for, pray for those you are caring for
Prayer and care go hand in hand. During these difficult and trying times, we believe that now more than ever, presents an incredible opportunity for the Church worldwide, to unite in prayer so that our family, friends and neighbours will come to know the love and peace of Jesus Christ for themselves.
Many of us will already be caring for people in practical ways during this time but may not yet be praying for them. Would you commit to praying for them each day this week?
And as we are praying for those we love to come to know the hope and love of Christ, think about how you can show God’s love towards them. By caring for them. Here are 5 ideas on how we can care and love those we know, even when we are physically distanced:
1. Keep up contact. Make a phone call, send an email, letter or card saying that you are praying for them at this time.
2. Share the link to the 'UK blessing' with them, letting them know you are asking God to bless them and their family:
3. Send a small gift or book purchased on line, add a note with a bible verse or words of encouragement
4. Serve where you can in delivering groceries or medications.
5. Make sure the people you pray for know how much you value them by whatever means you can find.
Hazel Alcraft, 13/05/2020